High Court, Judicial impartiality AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Judicial impartiality AUSPUBLAW Blog

Gremlins, Borgs, and judicial impartiality in multi-member courts: QYFM v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2023] HCA 15 

Sarah Fulton and Geneviève Murray

Judicial impartiality — and within that, an absence of bias — is at the heart of the Australian judicial system and central to how judges see themselves. But while serving and retired judges of the High Court have had a lot to say about when judicial bias arises, they have (with some notable exceptions, as noted in the ALRC Judicial Impartiality Report, p 234) said little publicly about how such matters should be raised with and considered by the courts. Until now.

In QYFM v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2023] HCA 15 (‘QYFM’), judges of the High Court not only clarified the law on apprehended bias as it applies to a judge who was previously involved in the prosecution of a party, but also took the opportunity to set out their views on the processes for determining issues of bias raised in multi-member courts (such as Courts of Appeal, Full Courts, or the High Court itself).

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High Court, Native title, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Native title, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog

The Constitutional Relationships Between 'Just Terms' Acquisition, Territories, and Native Title: Yunupingu on behalf of the Gumatj Clan or Estate Group v Commonwealth of Australia

Aaron Moss

On 22 May 2023, the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia (Mortimer CJ, Moshinsky and Banks-Smith JJ) delivered judgment in Yunupingu on behalf of the Gumatj Clan or Estate Group v Commonwealth of Australia [2023] FCAFC 75 (Yunupingu), a decision regarding the intersection between native title and constitutional law.  

This post explores aspects of the Court's decision, and outlines their significance for public lawyers more generally.  

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High Court, Judicial review AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Judicial review AUSPUBLAW Blog

Limits on Non-Statutory Executive Power: Davis v MICMSMA; Davis v Secretary of Department of Home Affairs [2023] HCA 10 

Maria O’Sullivan

The recent High Court decision in Davis v Minister for Immigration; DCM20 v Secretary of Department of Home Affairs contains some important statements on the reviewability of non-statutory ministerial guidelines. The key questions before the High Court were whether the Court could determine whether non-statutory executive action by federal departmental officers was unlawful on the ground of legal unreasonableness, and whether the guidelines used by officers to ‘screen’ visa applications to be presented to the Minister were valid.

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