Welcome to AUSPUBLAW, the Australian Public Law Blog.
AUSPUBLAW is a collaborative blogging project bringing you expert commentary and analysis on recent cases and legislative change as well as updates on the latest research and scholarship in Australian public law.
AUSPUBLAW posts contributions from leading public law experts – including academics and practitioners – across Australia. The Blog seeks to promote greater engagement with public law issues and a national platform for informed debate about current issues in public law.
Follow us on Twitter @auspublawblog.
AUSPUBLAW, the Australian Public Law Blog, is currently managed by an editorial team:
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor Janina Boughey; Joint Editors: Sangeetha Pillai, Rebecca Lucas and Kelly Yoon
AUSPUBLAW was proudly established by the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law at UNSW Law & Justice in 2015.
In 2019, the Australian Association of Constitutional Law joined the Gibert + Tobin Centre as a co-facilitator of the blog.
The Blog is provided as a public platform for academics and practitioners to engage with the community and each other on important and current public law issues.
The views posted on the Blog are those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, UNSW Law & Justice, or the Australian Association of Constitutional Law.
The blog will post a monthly round-up for upcoming events (including conferences and significant public lectures) in Australian Public Law. If you have an event that you would like included in this round-up, please contact us at auspublaw@unsw.edu.au