
Terrorism and Parole in the High Court

Cherry Tang and Eden Blair

In June 2024, the High Court handed down its decision in R v Hatahet [2024] HCA 23 (HCA Judgment) on appeal from the New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal (CCA) decision in Hatahet v R [2023] NSWCCA 305 (CCA judgment). The High Court unanimously held that a reduced chance of parole as a result of the operation of s 19ALB of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (Crimes Act) cannot be taken into account in sentencing. Even though terrorist offenders are extremely unlikely to be released on parole, sentencing courts cannot take this into consideration when setting the length of the head sentence and the non-parole period. Section 19ALB requires exceptional circumstances be proven before someone who has committed a terrorism offence can be granted parole. This holding overturned the CCA decision that a sentence served with almost no chance of parole constitutes a more onerous period of imprisonment and, in this case, warranted a reduction in the head sentence.

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